
Kinesiology Major



康考迪亚运动机能系致力于每个学生的教育. 我们的小班授课允许许多实践学习. 该计划的严谨性使得运动机能学学士学位的毕业生在医学领域是可取的, 健康保健产业和高等教育.


Vance Tammen


Dr. Vance Tammen serves as the Chair of the Kinesiology department in the 健康与人文科学学院. 他获得了学士和博士学位.D. 伊利诺伊大学理学硕士,堪萨斯州立大学理学硕士. 他的研究方向是运动和体育活动的社会心理学, 专注于教练和运动员的动力和整个生命周期的健康. He has published numerous papers on these topics and has done thousands of hours of sport psychology service to athletes, coaches, & organizations.


Terry Olson


Dr. Terry Olson serves as the Dean of the 健康与人文科学学院 following appointments as 文理学院院长 and Chair of the department of Exercise and Sports Science. Dr. 奥尔森的教育背景包括新墨西哥州立大学学士学位,硕士和博士学位.D. 来自新墨西哥大学. Dr. Olson’s current research emphasis is on self-regulation and critical thinking of pre-service teachers in physical education.

Associate Professor

Dr. Nathan Meier


Dr. Nathan Meier完成了他的M.S. ’13(运动机能学:运动心理学)和博士学位.D. 18年(运动机能学:体育活动流行病学),来自爱荷华州立大学. Dr. Meier拥有项目经理的经验, 招聘协调员, 也是众多研究项目的首席研究员指导本科生研究助理, 硕士生. 他积极招募本科生参与并领导自己的独立研究. 他是崔柔道俱乐部的教练, 拥有四度黑带,并已带学生参加全国竞争. Overall, 他对生活方式和健康很感兴趣, 特别是要避免慢性病, healthy aging, and health promotion.

Dr. Meier has published a number of research articles relating to the physiological responses to stress relief methods in university students, 基于消费者的身体活动监测的有效性, 体育锻炼与健康与青光眼发展的关系, validation of multiple methods of body composition measurement for screening age-related loss of muscle mass, 力量和功能(肌肉减少症), 身体活动之间的关系, fitness, 肌肉减少症患者的力量和肌肉量.

Dr. Meier和他的妻子Sarah喜欢户外徒步旅行, running, 骑自行车和通过饮食和锻炼的健康选择来促进生活方式.


EunJeong Lee


Dr. 李教授生物力学, Exercise Physiology, 从2020年秋季开始在康考迪亚大学欧文分校开设运动机修学课程. 在康科迪亚之前. Lee was a research scientist in the Sarver Heart Center at the University of Arizona and a senior researcher at the Korea Institute of Machinery & 材料(KIMM)在韩国. 她拥有梨花女子大学物理学学士学位, 韩国首尔国立大学体育教育硕士, and a Ph.D. 加拿大卡尔加里大学运动机能学硕士(生物力学方向). Dr. Lee has published 18 original research articles in peer-reviewed journals and over 20 refereed publications in conference proceedings in Biomechanics and Physiology. She has numerous experiences in biomechanical testing of skeletal and cardiac muscles from cellular to whole body levels. Dr. Lee’s current research interest is the mechanism of the preservation of eccentric strength in older adults or aged muscle.

Dr. 李与她的丈夫Joo和女儿Minah住在赛普拉斯. They are members of the Thanksgiving Church in Buena Park and enjoy being outdoors and going to the Sea World, San Diego.


Michael Ryan


Professor Michael Ryan brings a unique blend of performance and rehabilitation expertise to 欧文康考迪亚大学's kinesiology program. 他的职业生涯以各种角色为标志, 包括在高中时担任力量和体能教练, collegiate, 和专业的运动水平. Additionally, his role as an exercise physiologist in wellness settings has honed his acumen in conducting thorough assessments and developing tailored lifestyle interventions for diverse populations. This background, 再加上他在老年康复和健康行为改变方面的工作, 强调了他在整个生命周期中为个人提供全面护理的能力.

除了他的实际经验之外, Professor Ryan is both a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and an Athletic Training Certified (ATC) healthcare professional. His academic journey includes a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Physiology from California State University, Chico, 以及康考迪亚大学欧文分校的运动训练理学硕士学位. Currently, as a Ph.D. 新墨西哥州立大学的候选人, 他正在进行体育教育学和学生运动员受伤发生率的研究.

他的研究贡献范围很广, 包括写了一本书的章节内容是关于以运动员为中心的力量和体能训练教学法, publishing a study on a nutrition intervention aimed at improving body composition in high school athletes, 并为体育教师教育的研究做出贡献.

In the classroom, Ryan教授奉行以学生为中心的教学理念, emphasizing experiential learning to equip students for real-world challenges across the diverse fields of kinesiology.

和他的妻子住在拉古纳尼格尔, Rosemary, 赖安教授喜欢冲浪, grappling sports, 在闲暇时间演奏音乐.

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康考迪亚大学欧文分校最大的资产之一是我们敬业的教师队伍. 在一个小的学习环境, our professors care about you—not just your performance—and they cultivate lifelong mentoring relationships with the students they teach.

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